1/When (positive thoughts) this all falls apart, we need to talk about abuse of authority. One of the major reasons we are here is because @DFisman @SharkawyMD @profamirattaran @IrfanDhalla @jkwan_md and the rest have used (or have been used for) their professional credentials...
2/...to further a political agenda for personal gain. All of these individuals are conflicted and invested in one way or another to propagate fear of Covid-19. We absolutely need professional un-biased doctors and PH scientists to support responses to future major PH events.
3/Future PH experts need to have a seat at the response table, but must not drive the agenda. That task must be left to disaster management experts leading a multi-disciplinary command table.
4/What about the noise from 'experts' with conflicts of interest who impact public debate through social (or traditional) media influencing? The MSM certainly holds accountability for failing to present alternative expert analysis. I expect reckoning for their clear bias.
5/It is certainly in the best interest of professional associations and academia to de-politicize and distance themselves from tainted investments & grants in order to maintain scientific credibility and the credibility of the professions that they represent.
6/While these charismatic influencers have successfully fooled the public this time, what do we do to make sure we never again cross paths with ridiculous figurative modelling or #Masks4Cananda or #CovidZero or #CanadianShield type movements again?
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