1) Something to consider when comparing MN vaccine data to other states...
2) Many people do not understand how fragmented the vaccine distribution is... basically, federal partnership with chain pharmacies is charged with long-term care vaccinations at this time. The rest is hospitals, clinics, indep Rx and community health sites.
3) When you look at the % of vaccine supply used, it includes the supply distributed to these channels, including the federal partnership.
4) But the state data isn't granular enough to say who has used their supply readily and who hasn't? For example, are the chain Rx's under federal control lagging? Are there health care systems doing well, or not so well?
5) Data (at least to my unpracticed eye) doesn't allow for this yet. But what we can determine is that much more of MN's Pfizer vaccine has been used than the Moderna vaccine.
6) That, plus age data in MN showing more younger people than older have been immunized, suggests to me that medical centers have immunized their health care workers, and that it's slower going for elderly (again, reflecting federal partnership with chain Rx's)
7) There is much more work to do. The roll-out is slow, but again, keep in mind that it is fragmented at this point and it's hard to know who is underperforming and overperforming when it comes to get needles in arms.
8) More data would allow for more accountability. I hope that happens.
9) And of course, the feds' mistruths about vaccine supply aren't going to help.
10) To sum up, making comparisons is a complicated business. A lot of blame to go around. Complaints and frustrations are warranted but we need to start pinpointing administrative bottlenecks.
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