A fundamental problem American democracy faces: those on the right — mainly Trump loyalists — cannot grasp the reality of not being a majority.

They've been coddled by so many for so long that the idea of their views not being shared by the majority of Americans feels wrong. https://twitter.com/FrankLuntz/status/1350155796974350336
You see it a lot in those people who tell their elected leaders "you work for us" not realizing that the majority of that "us" voted a different way than they did and have different views from them.
This extends even to other members of the GOP who don't see things the same way they do (see that video of the woman berating Mitt Romney at the airport). "You work for us" means "you work for people who think like me."
That has a lot to do with white identity politics being the foundation undergirding U.S. politics for so long.

A departure — even a slight one — from that feels like an impossibility, one that could only happen if the process was flawed somehow, i.e. election fraud.
The idea that Democrats, Black people and other non-white voters were "stealing" votes and "stealing" elections predates Trump.

Of course, he's made things worse. He brought it out into the open and poured jet fuel on it — with other leaders of his party giving it oxygen.
No doubt that other things contribute too:

a) conscious or subconscious white nationalism that leads white Trump voters to believe that non-white voters somehow don't exist (e.g. "dead Black people voting in Philadelphia") or shouldn't exist (e.g. restricting ballot access).
b) Most Trump supporters who live in rural communities or even ex-urban communities rarely come into contact with people who don't look or think like them.

It's hard to imagine a majority of people don't think like you when you never see those people except on the news.
All of this is part of the reason why Gina from Missouri can't seem to wrap her head around the fact that a large majority of Americans voted for Biden and an even bigger majority of Americans (including Trump voters like Kate from NH) recognize Biden's victory.
And that's a big problem for American democracy, considering democracy requires the minority to view the majority as legitimate and vice versa.
I will say, Kate from NH is wrong about Democrats being all communists and socialists, but at least she seems to think that Democrats are a legitimate opposition.
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