"Before Saleh, 41, a native of Dearborn, Michigan, was hired by the Jets, no Muslim had ever been an NFL head coach" https://twitter.com/nyjets/status/1349919360668860417
Imagine, friends. Running into an NFL head coach as you grab a fruit cocktail and fattoush from Cedarland in Dearborn.
For those who feel like "the first" x,y,z in sports is overindulged, allow me a few quick comments. America has a very fragmented relationship with Muslims- and this includes sport.
First Muslims to what is now USA were Africans in the slave trade and forcibly converted.
Centuries later, brutal colonialism, immigration and displacement due to civil wars (hi imperialism) have helped grow a huge Muslim community in America. Despite contributions to society and every industry imaginable, Muslims are systemically excluded.
Black Muslims speak of exclusion and racism in wider Muslim communities and outside of them.
Robert Salah being a Muslim-identifying man (and please don't @ me about levels of religiosity or practice or sect) is a very big deal. The NFL has Muslim players. The NFL has VERY few racialized men as head coaches.
Salah as HC is absolutely not going to solve systemic issues about Islamophobia and racism - much like Mo Salah did not fix racism at LFC but they way that the Jets handle his hiring and are framing his hiring, and the way fans are responding is of note.
Considering the HUGE and often-overlooked tradition of Arab-American football in Michigan, this hire make sense. This hire is important. And I can't wait to see more of it.

Little Mohammed or little Maryam may dream of being NFL coaches and believe they will. This matters.
I'm all here for women in the NFL but I always want more racialized folks. Considering the racial make-up of the league, it's not too much to expect.
As someone whose job and research tracks Muslims in sports, I am paying attention. You should be, too.
Also, if he ends up shouting "Aloha Snack Bar" on the sidelines or implementing Shakira law on his team, I will be thrilled.

OMG. I'm kidding. Relax.
p.s. Muslims are funny, too.
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