If you want to be stop being scared of everything, start doing everything that makes you scared
If you're thirsty all the time, you need to start drinking water all the time
If you want to lose weight, stop doing the things that make you gain weight
If you have regrets for things you never did, start doing things you want to do so you have no regrets
If you have money problems, just get more money
If you want to be taken seriously, start taking things seriously
If you take yourself too seriously, you will find life feels too serious
If women don't want you because you're too short, just grow taller so that they will date you
If you lack motivation, just find motivation
If you're a midwit that wants to sound smart

Say obvious sounding things that make sense in a condescending way
The reason you're not making money, is because you're not making your money work for you
If you do not teach everybody you meet something, you cannot expect everybody you meet to teach you something
If you don't want a person to leave you, make sure you never leave them
If you suffer from depression, just do things that make you happy
If you want people to stop annoying you, develop social anxiety so you avoid them
If you have confidence problems, just pretend you're high status despite being a loser
If you want other people to stop lying to you, you need to stop lying to yourself
If you find smart people annoyingly pretentious for saying complicated things you don't understand, imagine how annoying they find the asinine empty trite you pass off as wisdom to your moronic followers

Hint: you sound like this entire fucking thread
If you want to make more sales, start selling to people who want to buy things!
If you're not getting attention, you need to do things worthy of attention

Eat more protein! You're not getting enough protein!!
If you're too emotional, you need to stop being so emotional
Real men are robots that have no emotions except anger

Which they use to make themselves look macho and cool

I am a real man, you are lame, a fraud and a loser
If you're not making enough sales you really need to start selling things so you can make more sales

I can teach you how to sell, if you let me
If you care too much about what other people think, you need to stop thinking about what other people think so you don't care so much
Not drinking enough water will make you tired, and if you are tired you won't have the energy to go and get water
If you get lost, follow the signs to find your way home

If there are no signs on the ground, look at the sky

Astrology is real
If you feel insecure about things, you need to start doing the things that will make you feel more secure so you're not so insecure
IQ isn't real, it's all about emotional intelligence, and don't let anybody cleverer than you tell you otherwise

They just want to make you feel insecure

Stay secure
Avoid negative things and embrace positive things because negative things are bad and positive things are good
If you feel like everything is your fault, stop taking the blame for things and you won't feel like it's your fault
And last but not least, just remember, if you ever find yourself homeless - just buy a house!
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