Sun • Mercury Thread
I will be discussing the different Sun+ Mercury combos possible in your chart and how they interact with each other 🌸💗

I don’t have a specific order but feel free to reply with your placements and I might put them first! 🤗
Tips appreciated 💖✨
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The Sun represents you and your journey in this life. It highlights the way that you would like to be known/ how you would like to succeed. It can also show your vitality, willpower, whether you get easily discouraged, etc. The Sun is the planet of self.
Mercury has a close relationship with the Sun, never more than one sign away. It deals with your mind, the type of ideas you have, how you express yourself, learn and teach. It represents your logic and the way you think. Mercury is the planet of self-expression.
You are very expressive of yourself, saying the first thing that comes to mind and talking over others. Fiercely independent and not allowing others to tell you what to think or how to think. You may have an aggressive tone when talking, or at least very assertive.
You are able to get your points across well and inspire others with your passion. An ease with expressing yourself (especially when you’re pumped). You are not easily discouraged, but can get tired due to juggling too many things(fire going out).
You wish to succeed on your own path, making a name for yourself through your own ideas.
You are hardworking and stand up for what you believe in. You are very headstrong, knowing what you want and how you want to do it. You may be very blunt and forward. Honesty is the best policy, but tact can help others listen to your message.
You wish to broaden your mind and grasp big picture ideas well. You can find learning exciting, but you can dislike the strictness of the education system. You are a ride or die for your ideas, POV, etc. You often think you have the best answer and that any other choice is wrong.
You have the endurance and ability to keep climbing towards success, as long as the journey to your goal keeps you interested (continue learning new things along the way). Also can be a bit of a chatterbox... wanting to talk about different aspects of the world.
You can be known as a brainiac or a “know it all”. Hold an array of knowledge, not all useful and some comes from gossip or unreliable sources. You may prefer to study and learn about things you feel emotionally invested in. You may also be interested in learning
about how to take care of self and others (looking up recipes, cleaning tips, specific ways to take care of loved ones). You may enjoy submerging yourself into romantic and sad genres (books, music, movies). You have a talent with words and able to touch on other’s emotions with
them. You may find that you’re a bit sentimental and think about the past often.
You may find that you think about the world a lot. The purpose of life, of you being here, your place in the world, everyone else’s reason for being here, what should be done while you’re here. You enjoy thinking in concepts and abstract ideas, prefer thinking in
big picture than focus on details. And you enjoy preaching about your ideas to others and try to get them to agree with you. You may want to work on your delivery, being too blunt can put some people off. You seek out adventures and experiences in life (movies,books), interest
in traveling. Others may find you very funny and overwhelmingly positive. You don’t do well with restriction and need your independence (to move, think, speak). Jupiter gives you some luck with your ideas and general luck in life but sometimes your luck runs out.
This can be extreme energy at times with both planets in the signs that they rule. You generally shine in the public. You may find that you gravitate to center stage and show off a lot of analytical and critical thoughts. You may worry when you’re center stage
worry that people are judging you or that you may embarrass yourself(you don’t visibly show the worry— seem confident). You may think about your ideas a lot before communicating them with others and when you do then you get on your podium. You can be interested in showing off
your creative talents and you do this through preparing and perfecting your talents. You excel at problem solving, have good perception skill. You prefer practical things over abstract ideas and use your talents in practical ways.
You may find that you express yourself in a mild, appeasing manner. You express your ideas in a pleasant way, trying to not offend anyone. You may be drawn to creatively expressing yourself often (music, specifically instruments). You can find it easy to relate
with others, people enjoy interacting with you. You are a good judge of character and ideas. You weigh the pros and cons of your ideas. This is a social position, being interested in social media and being around friends is a possibility. You have a good eye for aesthetics, able
to see what looks good. You have an ease with communicating, but would rather keep negative comments to yourself to avoid conflict. Able to pretty up some ugly words.
You can be very compassionate and spiritual. You deal with abstract ideas and concepts well. You’re a sensitive soul and can feel like you’re being misunderstood or seen as different a lot of the time. You may find that you use your intellectual strength to succeed
in your healing goals. You’ll be rational, thinking about both sides of the situation and playing Devil’s advocate at times. You can be skeptical of new info and will question it before repeating it as fact. You have a strong mind, but can drift off into your mind thinking about
your ideals. You can have a good grasp on human interactions, with your observant eye and sensitivity to energy.
You can be easy going and relaxed, but at times you have a lot of bark. You have a flurry of innovative ideas and have the endurance to strive towards your goals. You have your ideas and the passion to succeed. You enjoy experiencing things on the material plane.
This combo brings a more fiery flare to the way you communicate, being more assertive. You may have a loud and boisterous voice, might be prone to yelling or talking loudly. You find that you’re usually in leadership roles due to your strong stance and outspokenness. You may want
to succeed in traditional means, but put your own individual spin into things. Your main goal is to be secure.
You can be very emotionally attuned to yourself and your environment. You may find that you’re very sentimental and like to reflect on the past. You seek knowledge about how to care for yourself and others (recipe books, self-care books, biographies). You’ll talk
about the past, your family history, history in general. You may be a bit moody or crabby at times and lash out with your tongue. You enjoy nurturing your close contacts. You can allow your emotions to influence your thought processes which can lead you to be less rational.
You have an ability to appeal to other’s emotions with your words.
This is a lot of analytical and critical energy. You may find that you overthink what you’re going to say, at times and worry about what you have already said. You can come off a little judgey to others, but you just want to pick apart their ideas. You are very
rational, preferring to focus on the physical and reality than the abstract. Even the ideas that you have revolve around being able to have a physical application. You have a very linear way of thinking. You may believe that your thought process and your ideas are the “right”
ones and your way is the most efficient. You want to perfect things and do this through critiquing (figure out what to keep and what to let go). You would do well with editing (papers, videos, books, etc). You have the ability to store a lot of info, stats, and do well in math.
You may find that you have a very intense energy. When you talk to others you try to talk about some deep concepts, rather than muddle through small talk. You have an interest in learning/talking/ reading about the occult and secrets. You could have been fond of
learning about supernatural, cults, true crime, etc. You may also enjoy scary or suspenseful movies. You think intensely about your ideas before sharing. You will also see that you are very observant which adds perspective to your opinions. You will be very attached to your ideas
and when someone speaks out against you or your ideas you can feel wounded and get a lil vengeful. May lash out with your tongue and say some harsh things in the moment. You can be very studious, wanting to uncover all the information about a certain topic.
You express yourself with a lot of confidence. You seem very sure of yourself even if deep down you have some insecurities. You give off a genuine, warm and charming energy. People gravitate towards you and tend to put you in the spotlight. You can find that you
enjoy this, wanting to bring up your own ideas and be acknowledged from them (getting a sense of worth from praise of your ideas or people laughing at your jokes, etc.). You may talk over others, preferring your voice but try to share the stage. You can be creative and have a
flair for drama, may do well in an acting career. You may do very well with studying (topics that interest you), wanting to shine in your specific field. When it comes to studying, try to make it fun and engaging!
You may come across as a serious and stern person, maybe even a bit cold. You are an organized thinker (overly thorough, spending days thinking and planning), being rational and having a linear thought process. You can be a bit short in the way you communicate, not
trying to add extra fluff to your words. Others can see you as an authoritative person, when you speak they feel compelled to listen. You may be a bit reserved with sharing your thoughts at times though. You have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, that won’t be understood by
everyone. You work hard to learn new things. You are able to have the hard conversations and won’t run away from it.
You have a youthful and energetic energy about you. Your mouth moves a mile a minute, your mind is constantly moving. You may find you communicate with your body, too (talking with your hands and pacing while thinking out loud). You may have a tinkling voice,
sounds like you’re laughing. You are like a walking encyclopedia of knowledge, absorbing all forms of information (TV, books, internet, social media, gossip). You do need to work on fact checking information sometimes. You know about a wide range of topics (a lil superficial),
able to talk to people from different backgrounds. Your mind is a bit of a whirlwind, not thinking in a linear path and being a bit more chaotic.
You have a very compassionate nature which is seen in the way you act and interact with others. You can be very sensitive to the energy of others, able to pick up on the the things that go unsaid. You attract others that need someone to listen to them and you end
up being that person. Whether you give advice or are just there to be vented at (try to release others energy from you before going to sleep). You may be a very romantic person, having an interest in romantic books and romcoms (love stories that have to do with sacrifice), or
genres that have some sad storyline. There is also an interest in fantasy and dreams, you may be an avid daydreamer. You may drift off in thought while others are talking or even while you are talking. It may be hard for others to understand your thought process, it can be
abstract and have some steps missing. You may not do well in traditional learning, not wanting to be restricted and taught how to think.
You have an adventurous nature. You seem to have a “happy, go lucky” aura but when it comes to expressing yourself you can do it in a dry way. You have a “no nonsense” way of communicating, maybe being a bit too blunt. You can surprise people sometime with your
sarcastic sense of humor. You wish to go out an adventure and take risks, but this earth energy helps slow you down and take the time to plan. You have faith in things working out in your favor so it can lead to you just doing, but the Cap energy helps you be more pragmatic.
There is an energy here of wanting to learn and expand your mind, you will do it in a linear way. Also, spending a lot of time philosophizing and coming up with your belief (making you more stubborn in sticking to your own beliefs). This is giving documentary watcher, as well as
documentary creator.
These planets have mutual reception with each other, so they work hard together to find harmony in your expression of self. You have a critical energy and nervous energy, but seem very self-assured when sharing your thoughts and ideas. The ideas you have usually
surround a practical issue (able to communicate these issues in an interesting way to others). You are able to communicate your ideas eloquently once you have done enough research on a topic, but make sure that you don’t get lost in the details. Learn when you have enough data.
You wish for some type of acknowledgement for your ideas (usually praise for your analysis) and if you don’t get it then you can start overthinking what you said. You have a way of captivating your audience, but would do better in smaller group settings. You would do well behind
the scenes, controlling the background (being the publisher instead of the writer, the producer instead of the actor).
This can be uncomfortable energy with both planets being in their sign of detriment. There could be times of people misunderstanding you and the way your mind works. You can be innovative and futuristic, and this is what you can tend to get lost in your thoughts
about (air headed, daydreaming energy). Your thought process can be a little chaotic and abstract. For each idea that pops into your head you may think about what other’s take on the idea would be, as well. You want to change structures you see aren’t helping others and this
comes from a compassionate side of you. You find that you don’t want others to suffer and you work to help this through volunteering and coming up with ideas to fix the problem (maybe not the implementer). This Pisces Mercury helps Aquarius from thinking in terms of the
collective and more in terms of each individual. You would enjoy books about fantasy worlds that allow you to escape from reality.
You are independent, with a lot of passion and energy. Your Taurus Mercury can help you take more time to think before you speak and spend more time thinking your ideas through (not as impulsive and reckless). This also adds more stubbornness with sticking to your
ideas and more endurance to see things through (not that willing to admit to being wrong, ready to defend your choices). You express yourself in a way that is very sure of yourself and you don’t take well to people questioning you or your thought process. You are very fond of
your ideas and will be resistant towards changing your mind at times. You can be inventive, using your ideas to apply them in practical matters (ability to promote your ideas and bring them to the material world). A preference of talking to close friends than larger groups. You
may find that hands on learning is better for you. There is a nice, flirtatious energy here. You could be a friendly flirt.
You carry yourself with an air of poise and regality, but underneath it you may be nervous about talking to others and them seeing that it is a bit of a facade. You could be a bit of a perfectionist, wanting to come across in a positive light. You express yourself
in a calculating and critiquing way that can make it seem like you think you are better than others. You wish to relate to others, but you may say the wrong thing or offer critiques when it is not asked for and you may come across as a snob. You can worry about what you are
going to say and how it is going to affect the relationships you have formed. You may find that you know your social circle very well, able to memorize and catalogue all that you have observed and learned about them. This keen eye for detail will be beneficial in the art sphere,
helping you with your own artistic endeavors (MUA, artist, designer etc) or helping you to critique others’ art (fashion critique, etc.).
You may find that you have a very nice voice, one that makes others want to listen. You could be a singer or poet. You are very stubborn in your thoughts and ideas, others may find it hard to get you to change your mind. You can be fixed in your opinions on things,
as well. You can express yourself through the senses, especially touch. You will also find that you are not that talkative, choosing to speak when you have something valuable to say. You prefer to study and learn about facts, not fond of abstract concepts. Preferring studies that
have one correct answer. You may pick up on new information slowly, but your decisions are made with a lot of care. You would enjoy learning about how to comfort your 5 senses and how to live a life of pleasure and luxury.
You may find that this Taurus Sun is more of a talker, this Gemini energy quickens your tongue and mind. You don’t ponder your ideas for as long, ready to just go. You can have a bit of an attachment to your ideas and can still get defensive when they come under
attack. You have a debater energy, with the endurance to last an argument and the quickness of mind to have your response ready. You wish to seek out the pleasures in life and make sure that you are comfortable so you use that Gemini energy to gain as much information as possible
about that. You may find that your creative and artistic energy is channeled in the direction of communication (poetry, spoken word, write music, etc.)
You are very much a thinker and an innovator, trying to fix any cracks in the current systems. Very future oriented. You are able to think about a lot of abstract concepts, but find traditional learning too restrictive. Your thought process is very linear and
objective, not allowing your own emotions to effect your rationale. You are able to play devil’s advocate due to your observation of others and understanding how people from different backgrounds would have different POVs. You can be fixed in your own idea and beliefs, but allow
others to generate their own. You can be very unique and have a lot of original ideas and express yourself in your own way. You are also a bit unpredictable in your opinions, seeming to pick thoughts from the air.
You have a warm, charming, sweet nature. You seem very emotional, which is energy that you can put towards acting (really give your words feeling) or other forms of public speaking. You like to be acknowledged for your ideas and when you aren’t then you might pout
and get moody. You can have a more fiery flare when expressing your feelings (having a sharper tongue when you feel under-appreciated or not cared for). When you offer your kind words and nurturing energy, you may look for more acknowledgement and the same energy in return (feel
crabby when you don’t get it). You are also able to see your projects through, forming a plan before just going.
You can have an intense and mesmerizing energy surrounding you, but you communicate in a more poised, charming way. You are more likely to weigh the possibilities and understand that there is more than one option and you can always change your mind. This Libra
energy can help open Scorpio up, making you sociable and willing to talk to your loved ones with ease. You are also more sympathetic and willing to listen to others. You have a lot of creative/artistic energy that you use to express your ideas bout mysteries, the occult, etc.
You could find that your artistic energy is channeled into the occult and more “negative” energy (Ex: waxing poetic about loss and heartbreak).
You may seem reserved and serious, but you are pretty excitable and smiley. You don’t take yourself as seriously, people may find that you have an amazing sense of humor. This fire energy helps you not obsess over things, as much. You may be more optimistic about
life, not coloring everything in a negative light. You are very expressive and excitable, but you still keep that excited energy under wraps a little bit. You can be very defensive of your own ideas, feeling like there could only be one correct answer and you have it. You find
that you express yourself a lot, wanting others to hear your ideas and agree. Your mind could be preoccupied about conceptualizing the different ideas surrounding topics such as secrets of life, the occult, death, etc.
You have a fiery independence with a compassionate tone to take away some of the edge from your words. You have a dreamlike way of communicating and may get trapped in your own mind. There could be some misunderstandings when you talk sometimes, where people don’t
understand you or you don’t understand others. Ask for clarification and clarify yourself. There could be a lack of decisiveness here, mind going too many ways for you to be able to pick one (which can frustrate the Aries energy). You can keep your thoughts to yourself and when
you choose to talk, others are compelled to listen. People gravitate towards you so they are able to vent about their feelings, sometimes treating you as a therapist. You may find that you have a wider range of emotions that you allow yourself to feel and anger is
one that doesn’t come as quickly.
You seem very jovial and happy. Your great level of optimism is tampered down a bit, being more realistic. This Scorpio energy slows down Sagittarius energy, allowing you to pay more attention to detail and be more cautious in life (not running headfirst into
things before planning). You may find yourself on the search for the truth of life and trying to find your own purpose, trust your own intuition on what that is. You make informed decisions before choosing a stance on a subject, taking the time to uncover all the necessary
information. You are drawn to learning about things associated with “darkness” (mystery, occults, etc.). This can be focused on the mysteries of different countries, belief systems, foreign policies, etc.
You can be very expressive and dramatic, having a flair for drama. You can be sensitive and have an ability to emotionally connect with others in a performance, as well as with loved ones. You have an appreciation for heart to heart conversations. You have a
heightened imagination, with a creativity that can help you shine. This Cancer energy can help with Leo’s ability to be self-centered, making you more sympathetic and sensitive to others. You can be a bit moody and crabby at times, especially when you are feeling ignored.
You may find yourself a bit dependent on loved ones and gaining their praise and affection, but remember that you can praise and nurture yourself.
You are very analytical, critiquing and weighing the pros and cons before speaking your mind. You could come across very snobby at times, but overall can be less critical of others. You may have a picky energy, always wanting the best. Your critical energy can be
softened here with Libra, sweetening your words. You may find that you don’t worry about what you say as much, feeling more comfortable with being social. You enjoy having a nice conversation You have an artistic energy that you are able to use in practical ways. You do not like
confrontation, but you are able to hold your own due to having good argument points.
You are original and independent. You are observant of others and able to gear your mind towards organized thought. You are an ideas person and are able to communicate them with a degree of authority. You may find yourself going through the range of extremes of
being untraditional vs. traditional. You may find that you choose tradition more often, choosing to be more cautious and stick to the status quo. You express yourself in very clear terms, it is obvious that you choose your words with care. You may find that you talk at people
sometimes, instead of trying to communicate with them.
You are able to communicate your emotions more directly and clearly. You are able to play on the emotions of others with your words, knowing how to display the information in a way that makes them feel. You may find that you have a stronger will and voice, being
more self-assured. You may be more impulsive, once your emotions get ignited then you form a plan and are on the move (not giving time for you to plan). It is giving “misinformed, but your heart is in the right place” energy. You may find that this Aries energy can help you be
more assertive of your own boundaries. You are still want to help others, but your first idea won’t be to completely sacrifice yourself.
You weigh the pros and cons, trying to find the best solution and make informed choices and you will find that your intuition helps you choose, too. You are able to manipulate others with your words, with a charming energy surrounding you that makes others not
suspect you of any wrongdoing. You know what to say to others in order to garner a certain response (doesn’t have to be negative; could be a good salesperson). This is a beauty and brains pairing, but others may think you are lacking in the brains department (you usually prove
them wrong). This combo is not as social, preferring to be more to yourself and seem more mysterious. You are able to keep a conversation going and others may feel like they know you, but you are selective of what you reveal about yourself.
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