On Rudolf Steiner and vaccines: anti-vaxxer & the science-is-everything crowds are both spreading disinformation on this topic. Rudolf Steiner did not universally advocate against vaccines. Here's a quick thread on historical & current views.
The context of vaccines in Steiner's time was just post the "second wave" of vaccines - which were greeted with both fundamentalist rejection and unblinking acceptance (sound familiar). New vaccines for cholera, tetanus, typhoid fever, rabies - what a time of innovation!
Steiner was encountering intense resistance to vaccines from some anthroposophists and the doctors he knew.
His response?
"you have to vaccinate. There is no other choice. Because fanatical opposition to these things is something that I wouldn’t recommend at all..."
Oh I know, I know, I am taking that quote slightly out of context. But to emphasize a point.
Steiner went on to say you wouldn't necessarily need a vaccine for the intended disease, but that fanaticism would just as surely make people sick and harmful to others as a virus.
But he also said, in another letcure, complicating the matter, " Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance..." (that will destroy the connection to the spirit.)
It's important to be honest about these things! But it's also important to put them into context.
Steiner was not - as many have claimed - saying that some worldwide vaccine would be developed to treat a disease that would also drive the human spirit out.
Steiner was stating that there would be a medical/biopolitical innovation that would drive the human spirit out. Also, the figurative "vaccine" Steiner referenced was specifically made for children, not adults, so it also doesn't apply as anti-vaxxers state.
(It's also okay to be irritated by the figurative language here - Hey, dude, why didn't you just say "it will work like a vaccine but not really be a vaccine" - but keep in mind this was in the early 20th century.)
Steiner also said that, yes, vaccines could have adverse effects (and they can, of course, even if they are mild - something else Steiner recognized) but said if kids had a strengthened imaginative life, that those adverse effects would fall away.
That's important. Why?
Because it flies in the face of Waldorf parents not vaccinating their children!
Because as early as the early 1900s Steiner was talking about the mind/body/spirit connection, he recognized that a kind of integrity of the three often (but not always!) affected health.
In some ways, though, this is all a moot point.
Because every major organization of anthroposophical medicine supports the use of vaccines.
If someone says, "I'm into anthroposophy, so no vaccines" they've actually demonstrated their ignorance. https://www.ivaa.info/latest-news/article/article/anthroposophic-medicine-statement-on-vaccination/
Also worth noting here that most, but not all anthroposophical doctors must be medical doctors too - this was why Steiner, along with his closest colleague Ita Wegman say anthroposophical therapies are "extending medicine" - not cancelling allopathic medicine out.
Here's Steiner in 1923 on the topic: "Some (illnesses) have to be treated allopathically...we should not be fanatics, swearing by words, but prescribe medicines on the basis of real and complete knowledge, sometimes one way, sometimes the other."
The main point being that anti-vaxxers using Steiner as a foundation are presenting a distorted picture, that Waldorf parents against vaccines are missing the point, and also that the general idea in anthroposophy is that vaccines are useful and safe.
THAT SAID - would that people who only believe Western medicine works extend the same kind of consideration and thoughtfulness to alternative medicine, indigenous medicine, traditional medicine and more. Even the WHO & recognizes their importance. https://www.who.int/traditional-complementary-integrative-medicine/activities/en/
Anyway, take what you want from all of this.
I, thank God, will never have children, so I will never have to make the decision for my kids.
I also am last on the list for a vaccine for this pandemic. I'm not really a priority, so I have no right to offer advice.
If you do want to ask me about any of this, I'm happy to respond if you approach in a spirit of good faith and care. If you do it in a mean-spirited way, disregarding that I am trying to offer up historical/factual info on a complicated topic, I can't reply, okay?
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