Our plan to Rewild the West includes a ban on livestock, on timber sales and on any new mining or fossil fuels infrastructure development on public lands. We estimate the these bans would free up well over $100 billion in subsidies which previously contributed to GHG pollution.
We're suggesting amplifying GHG mitigation efforts by repurposing subsidies which today contribute to GHG pollution in efforts that contribute to GHG mitigation.

Reforestation and Returning
Wildlife to pre colonialization numbers on public lands.
By repurposing subsidies we're not asking the taxpayers for a dime

Remove 600,000 miles of abandoned barbed wire
$4 billion
Build 10,000 wildlife overpasses
$45 billion
Reduce cattle for slaughter inventory by roughly 1/2

Recover the 90% of wildlife lost and let our land heal
Today wildlife on public lands is just 10% it's pre colonial density.

But we raise 40 million cattle for slaughter every year. It costs taxpayers $38 billion in direct subsidies, another 28.5 billion in grain subsidies and equated to about 5% of total GHG pollution.
If we did nothing but Rewild the West. We could eliminate $66.5 billion in annual subsidies and spend roughly $50 billion ONCE on mostly overpasses to mitigate transportation issues with the increased density of wildlife.

When numbers recover
Wild game is back on the menu.
We're promoting an end to the subsidized destruction of the west.

$38 billion in annual meat industry subsidies
$28.5 billion in annual grain subsidies
$52 billion in annual fossil fuels subsidies
$30 billion in annual methanol subsidies

And build Induction charging roadways
Rewilding the West results in a design spiral that takes us to carbon zero

By recovering wildlife numbers to their pre colonial numbers we eliminate the need for roughly 1/2 todays beef cattle for slaughter inventory and virtually all of the $66.5 billion in annual subsidies.
We're also promoting free market capitalism where no one player is favored with subsidies over another.

Businesses formerly operating on public lands would have to develop more sustainable models on private land and do it with no subsidies in a competitive economy.
Our plan to Rewild the West puts people to work. We've spent centuries damaging the land. We're suggesting we reverse that trend and focus on recovering wildlife populations which frees up the funds to build modern green infrastructure.

At ZERO taxpayer expense.
If we can get people interested in Rewilding the West, in letting the Bison roam free, in ending the subsidized destruction, then I believe we have a shot at reaching carbon zero.

Costs $380K per mile to install induction charging roadways, that's $60.8 billion for every highway
We have ~$100 billion in annual subsidies we don't need to be spending

We take $50 billion the first year and begin wildlife overpasses
We take $50 billion the second year and begin induction charging roadways
Two or three years later
We've saved upwards of 30% on GHG emissions
Our plan to Rewild the West costs taxpayers nothing and reforests areas denuded by clear cut logging. We've lost 75% of our forests since colonial times. That remaining 25% absorbs roughly 20~45% of todays GHG emissions.

Let's reforest our land and double our forests efficiency
Instead of subsidizing the timber industry $2 billion a year and all the free trees they can cut. Our Plan to Rewild the West includes repurposing that subsidy to reforest 30 million acres annually for the next twenty years, recovering 30% of our pre colonial forested area.
Our plan reduces the need for half if not more of the 40 million cattle sent to slaughter annually, eliminates the farm subsidy which pays for grain to feed them, and replaces the GHG all that produces, with forests which absorb GHG, and wild Bison, which once fed 500 nations.
Our plan eliminates annual subsidies going to companies contributing to GHG emissions. Our plan creates tens of thousands of jobs, jobs mitigating those emissions. Our plan could help heal our nation and put people to work, in nature again.

Our plan is to

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