The emerging picture of John Sullivan aka Jayden X, the Cap riot agitator, and the documentarian Jade Sacker who filmed the whole thing really is the perfect microcosm of how Globalist American Empire stages its narrative.

Here’s the summary overview:
First Sullivan: agent provocateur who is no more antifa/BLM than he is Proud Boy, with suspicious family ties to the security state (allegedly), who helps instigate and document the Jan 6 events leading to IC officials immediately demanding the removal of the incumbent regime...
The guy’s social media profile is all over the map. From Civil Liberties gun guy to Antifa activist. And who planned the Utah BLM event that ended in the bizarre car shooting. His feed since Jan has all led to the Cap Hill events, including the first of the Parlor call outs.
Okay so maybe the guy is just a confused burn-it-all-down nihilist. Possible, but then we might do a big think about how an unhinged political schizo gets hooked up with a filmmaker with a long-history of doing activist/journalism on behalf of Woke Imperialism...
If John Sullivan aka Jaydenx is the “Fake,” Jade Sacker, his accomplice, is the “Gay.” Here’s a few snapshots from her portfolio ( )

The plight of Rohingya Muslims. The Kurds in Northern Syria. Trans Women in Cambodia. etc. Boiler plate globohomo
How does an NGO activist-journo who works in Syria, Myanmar, and Cambodia get hooked up with a domestic agitator who’s been blacklisted from the very orgs (BLM) he claims to represent?

Don’t answer that.
We then might ask how Sullivan and Sacker’s collaboration, and their footage of Ashli Babbit’s shooting, gets immediate and first billing on Anderson Cooper and other major news outlets, despite Sullivan’s obvious documented complicity in the riot...
And we might also wonder about the significance of the funding stream for Sacker’s film, at least according to Blumenthal, coming through Fogel and Thor Halvorssen
Would it surprise you to learn that Halvorssen’s Human Rights Foundation has been accused of being a CIA front in the past and even an innocent description of its mission is to advocate for the “regime change” blob consensus? Do your eyes hurt from the glow?
I’m not drawing any conclusions here. Just noticing some coincidences that seem to align with a certain pattern of Fake and Gay coordination of fabricated narrative and ethical frameworks mediated through “the news” to achieve certain political goals favored by the security state
I’m not saying the whole thing was a top down op to frame Trump; I’m saying that no good crisis goes to waste, and any deep state operator worthy of his fake and gay objectives will nudge along the crises and spin them up into whatever story they need to.
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