"Outbreak occurred on..doorstep of laboratories that conduct the world’s largest research project on..bat viruses, that have the world’s largest collection of..bat viruses, and that possessed and worked with the world’s closest sequenced relative of the outbreak virus."
"The laboratories actively searched for new horseshoe-bat viruses in..bat colonies in caves in remote rural areas in Yunnan province, brought those new..bat viruses to Wuhan, and then mass-produced and studied those new..bat viruses, year-round, inside Wuhan."
David Relman: "it will be critical to obtain..verified, time-stamped records of sample inventories, data, lab notebooks and records, internal and external communications, personnel health records and serum samples, and access to personnel so..they can be interviewed in private"
Pomper: “The independence of..WHO investigation may be seriously compromised by..process used to choose investigators..In particular,..choice of..Daszak, who has a personal stake..and who is a collaborator of..scientist at..center of..investigation, is likely to taint..results."
Filippa Lentzos: "It is virologists, funders and publishers who are driving..practice of actively hunting for viruses and..deliberately making viruses more dangerous..We need to be..open about..vested interests of..scientists given..platforms to make claims about..origins."
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