Even after adding the arrest update, PF shifts the goalposts and admits he was arrested... and adds "But the affidavit does not say Sullivan led the mob."

The claim was not that he LED the mob, but a "left-wing activist" had "incited" the mob. Shifty. (cont)
Sullivan is heard on tape shouting "Let's burn this s--t" "It's our house" "we're getting this s--t". Clearly inciting language. PF explains it away by saying "It was not clear if the comment was directed to or heard by any specific person or people."😂(cont)
PF then spends time focusing on Antifa connections and adds a bunch of "there's no evidence of" etc etc. But that's NOT what the claim is. (cont)
The claim says he's Anti-Trump (true) and he's founder of radical left-wing (true) group Insurgence USA (true) and he incited the mob (true). They rule "mostly false". This is peak gaslighting. (cont)
Here's the ruling. Remember, PF admits in the post that Sullivan:

Is Anti-Trump ✅
Stormed the Capitol✅
Has a history of promoting revolution ✅
Is heard shouting inciteful things ✅
Lied about simply documenting events ✅
Is a left-wing activist ✅

But rule "mostly false" 🧐
"One among thousands" and "himself led the charge" are misdirection. They even have to admit Sullivan has "posted related hashtags" to Antifa on Twitter. Despite all of this, PolitiFact slaps a convenient "mostly false" label on it so the narrative remains safely in tact. (cont)
This is who Facebook and others have selected as the new ministers of truth. They're ministers of spin. Here they take an objectively true claim -- that a leftist was among the Trump crowd and inciting the insurgence -- and deny it. /end
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