Just a really quick thought.

Things haven't been easy for the world in 2021. We're all probably getting a bit tired, jaded, slowing down momentum when it comes to keeping conversations alive on how we can help our beloved Hong Kong. All we want to say is: no effort is too little
If you want some social media detox, go for it. When you're ready to be back, then consider sharing or liking posts which are helpful to the HK cause. Stay focused and read up on the latest news. Know your rights and know what you can do as a citizen either in HK or abroad.
Not everyone is going to be a lobbyist. Even if you just shop yellow, or talk to folks around you to raise their awareness about HK, that's how we'll keep the spirit alive. If you want to leave/stay, that is your choice to make, and either way, there's no "wrong" choice there.
Take good care of yourselves. Focus on what's important in your lives. Do what you can when you're able. It's a long and winding road ahead, but it'll be great to be able to walk along together.


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