A belated Happy New Year to our followers! While 2020 was a challenging year, our little STAR team grew with new members and research. This thread summarises our publications from the last year. If you can’t access any, do get in touch with the lead authors!
. @amanda_roestorf co-authored a paper reviewing research on social prescribing (e.g. support, hobby, advocacy or community groups etc.) and discussing whether this should be offered to autistic people by healthcare providers https://amrcopenresearch.org/articles/2-19 
. @DrMBotha published a qualitative paper investigating identity, stigma, and resistance in the autistic community, showing that autistic people face barriers from stigma, but also use language and creativity to resist and reframe such stigma https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09687599.2020.1822782
And @DrEilidh and Zoe Troxell-Whitman noted the role disclosure plays in the relationship between autistic identity and camouflaging https://bit.ly/3qXIRc7 
. @CathSGrainger published experimental research on meta-cognition (thinking about your own thinking) and mindreading (thinking about what other people think) https://doi.apa.org/fulltext/2020-65608-001.html
As well as a summary chapter explaining more about the topic of metacognition in autistic people @CathSGrainger https://www.stir.ac.uk/research/hub/publication/1587670
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