I spoke with her in 2018 after playing Ezanya for a Closer Look and she mentioning having all this old correspondence between her and @TimSweeneyEpic that she was willing to scan and send in when she had time.
When I first planned how to celebrate ZZT's 30th, I decided on making it a month long event because the most accurate date we had for ZZT's release was "January" as mentioned in ZZT v3.1
But her timing on getting the scans on couldn't have been better, and at the end of this past December she delivered numerous documents and the very first one, a ZZT newsletter opens up with a definitive date!
Today, January 15th, 2021 ZZT officially turns 30! 🎂
In the past 30 years more than 2500 ZZT worlds have been created, and there's no sign of things stopping.
From Town to Town Remix, ZZT remains a powerful game creating tool that has stood the test of time and through modern editors, emulators, and source-reconstruction there's honestly been no better time to create something with ZZT!
Action, RPG, storytelling, puzzle, or whatever other genre of game you can think of, there's almost certainly been an effort to make it in ZZT
ZZT has been used to make games by people in their 50s and people not yet in middle school. It's something anybody can do.
The reconstructed source code courtesy of asie has been used by folks like @keysick to create unique experiences previously impossible in ZZT that respect its history of being easy and accessible to anyone
ZZTers like @Kaikairos and Lancer-X have pushed the limits with unmodified ZZT creating impressive dungeon crawls both procedurally generated and thoughtfully constructed
Other old-timers in the scene have made their returns sometimes releasing new and innovative titles along the way like @DosGamesCOM whose earliest ZZT games are from 1991 and whose latest are from 2019!
Even Beth who scanned all these documents and gave us the knowledge of ZZT's release date is still active, having recently released "Nox Archaist", an Ultima-styled RPG for the Apple 2 https://6502workshop.itch.io/nox-archaist 
and lastly, the documents in this article are just the start of what's been acquired. Permission has been obtained to share everything scanned and well, that's got some important bits about Epic's (lost!) history for sure:
The modern ZZT community can be found on Discord at https://museumofzzt.com/discord  if you're looking for help making a ZZT game, some recommendations, or are interested in preserving old files (especially _yours_ on any old hard drives and CD-Rs)
The Museum and its articles are a personal project of mine funded via patreon. If you can contribute to help keeping ZZT alive and savings its history both digital and physical you can support the Worlds of ZZT project at https://patreon.com/worldsofzzt 
and remember:
You can follow @worldsofzzt.
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