Over the years I’ve been given so much stick for being so active on social media.

Words similar to....
‘She mustn’t do any work if she can post as much as she does on here’

In the whole I ignored it and carried on because it’s important to me to allow people an insight.....
Into the agricultural industry and how their food is produced.

So I kept on flying the flag, ignoring some of the horrible things people would say.

And I’m so glad I did. I haven’t felt so proud as I did this morning.

Why.... (2)
This morning at 9am we decided to do a live on the farm to offer parents and teacher something different when it comes to home school.

We shod our horse Jim live on Instagram, whilst teaching all about farriering, horses safety and of course safety!

We had over 3000 individual accounts join us across 60 minutes &I couldn’t even tell how many people actually interacted, asked questions and really joined in!

Me and Danny both loved being able to show such a unique insight into a very traditional job.

But what really hit me?
This afternoon 3 hours after our live finished, one of the mums watching sent me this!


This is why I do what I do.

Look how much they learnt! Look how engaged they were.

Honestly my heart is full.
I am so proud we got to give children this chance to learn and physically watch a horse shod.

I’m proud it’s engaged children and shown them that jobs like this are possible.

I’m proud we got to spread a little more knowledge, enthusiasm and interest about the countryside.
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