"Outrage" over the "n-word" is complete bullshit theater. If you use a word for your group, yourselves, as a badge of honor and a calling card, you don't have any place to whine about others using it as an epithet when you exhibit bad behavior. You call us "Nazis" well ...
"Nazi" from YOUR lips/pen/keyboard is just the N-word you use for White people.
As a teen I was a bit of a partying hell raiser, so if someone called me "freak" or "stoner" as an insult it never phased me. I'd hold my head higher -- thank you for seeing me -- big smile -- yup, AND?
So do the math: I'm going to own the world "Nazi" and if worthless garbage calls me one, hold my head higher, smile bigger, and feel prouder.

"Yes, thank you for seeing me. Your point?"

It's not like I don't owe a certain sliver of my waking up to reality to their antics ...
(the above should say "WORD" not "world")
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