I took a dive into *Waterloo* COVID + other historical data to help me avoid clickbait headlines & think critically about our response to date. Local data is more tangible. Discussing this is hard because we’re not used to death statistics.

Thread 1/7ish
COVID has been linked to the deaths of 179 people in Waterloo, 92% were ≥70yo [1] majority w/ comorbidities.
“1st wave” = ~1500 ID’ed cases, 120 deaths
“2nd wave (so far)” = ~6000 ID’ed cases, 59 deaths [2]

How does that compare to other causes of death in Waterloo?
In 2015, 5256 people died in Waterloo, ~64% were 75+yo.
1514 died of cardiovascular disease = 2157 potential years of life lost (PYLL)
1492 died of cancer (F*ck cancer) = 3466 PYLL
318 died of injuries = 5620 PYLL

All data from [3]. You can learn more about PYLL via [8]
Potential years of life lost due to COVID isn’t currently published, but a worst case estimate is 515 PYLL. Compare to above for context.
(75-age of death) * deaths:
(75-40)*3 = 105
(75-50)*3 = 75
(75-60)*9 = 135
(75-70)*40 = 200
Deaths >75yo don’t add to PYLL
Hospital capacity issues predate COVID [4]. COVID is a last straw on a system operating near max capacity. Will the $Bs spent on COVID response yield the most life saved vs. addressing root cause of system strain? I’m drifting from the data...back to it.
2nd order effects of our COVID response worry me. Overdose deaths are up (98 in ‘20 vs. 63 in ‘19) [6], ~25% of cancers are going undiagnosed meaning delayed treatment & worse outcomes [7], impacts of: delayed/canceled surgeries, major school disruptions etc.
Above is *data*. I’m sure we’ll interpret in our own ways and conclude different things. My goal is to understand deeper than top-line case numbers; COVID is more complicated than one metric or graph. Addendum below for my *opinions*
COVID disproportionately affects 70yo+. We can save more life if we focus our resources on protecting 70yo+. E.g. Rapid testing in LTCs, staffing model changes, sick days, etc.

Opinion addendum
2nd order effects of COVID response (overdose, suicide, delayed cancer treatment / surgeries, neg. impact of school disruption, etc) will cost more life than COVID

Opinion addendum
Here are all my sources (for transparency & if you want to crunch your own communities numbers)

[1] Filtered for Waterloo Region COVID linked deaths by death decade age.

Decade age, deaths (all time):
40s, 3
50s, 3
60s, 9
70s, 40
80s, 70
90s, 55


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