We've been asked why we're calling on Westminster to include people who are homeless in the priority groups for vaccinations. The Govt has declared that their aim is to protect those most at risk in society - people experiencing homelessness are very vulnerable [thread]
2/Those experiencing the worst forms of homelessness are more prone to respiratory disease & have conditions like heart disease that can make coronavirus more severe. Over a third are clinically more vulnerable to Covid & more than 1 in 10 would be considered extremely vulnerable
3/ At this time of year demand for accommodation in night shelters is highest. However it's hard to make shelters Covid-safe, meaning that some people are forced to choose between freezing on the streets or staying in a shelter where they’re at greater risk of catching the virus
4/ The average age of death for people rough sleeping is 46 for men and 43 for women (National averages are 76 & 81). A study of hostel residents in London found that they had the frailty of the average 89-year old
5/ People who are homeless already face barriers to accessing healthcare - for example many aren't registered with GPs -which means that they're at risk of being completely overlooked in local plans for vaccinations
6/ Last week Westminster announced anyone sleeping rough will be given emergency shelter to protect them & that they should also be linked to a GP. Making people experiencing homelessness a priority group reinforces how urgent it is to provide them with permanent protection.
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