I’ve been thinking a lot about a particular lecture/exercise from my cognitive prof at OBU. At the time I had Drs. Roark, the Elder and Younger, for literally every class (IYKYK). That day I had cognitive with the younger right after leaving Greek with the elder.
We were talking about language and cognition (which I ended up focusing my independent research on, bc of this day) and how thinking shapes our language, but also language shapes our thinking. Dr. R used as an example prayer. Specifically the Shema & Lord’s Prayer. 2/
I will always remember him asking- why do you think we are given these instructions & models of prayer? In the course of our discussion he suggested what I’ve come to believe is true- scientifically and scripturally. The words of our prayers matter because they are our words. 3/
The way we speak about (and to) God shapes what we think- and believe. Or words don’t just reflect our theology, they create it in our minds and hearts. Our words are creative bc we are in the image of the Word. I don’t mean in a Word of Faith kind of way. I mean the opposite. 4/
It’s our inner reality that is shaped by language. The language of others and especially of ourselves. We can see this empirically, even in the brain’s chemistry and activity. And so. We ask Jesus to teach us to pray. Not that we would get what we want with the right formulas. 5/
But that we may know the truth of the Father, His goodness and the Gospel & His kingdom come and still coming, in the most powerful words we can hear, those from our own lips/hearts. Word matter. Our words about God & the things of God matter. They change us, our very brains. 6/
Let us not speak lies, lest we come to believe them.
Let us not ask “did God really say?” lest we forget His Word.
Let us not make proclamations of our will, ascribed to God, lest we build idols to ourselves.
But let us be conformed to the Truth in word & deed. /end
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