So, my theory for how the COVID “crisis” will be “solved”: COVID numbers have been reported without any significant context for months. Just massive scary numbers reported daily. That will change. Context will now be introduced (that was always there just never shown) and the 1/
the numbers won't seem quite as scary. The claim will be that, while infections are still out there, in relation to “X” data, things are looking better. This will be will be attributed to COVID restrictions and the availability of the vaccine. Additionally, as reported in the 2/
new study just dropping today, they will casually admit that lockdowns are not as effective as once believed AND, as now being said in Chicago, that businesses need to reopen to prevent dangerous super-spreader private gatherings. All of this will be done in conjunction with 3/
Biden sending out stimulus money like a veritable Santa on Christmas Eve. He will be lauded as a hero for fixing the mess Trump “created.” What amazing timing, don't you think? End/
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