#nofgm thread about first time giving birth. I gave birth 1
time back in 1991. I didnt speak English. Finding out that I was pregnant was absolutely beautiful. Emotions were drowning me . So much to feel
Then after that so much anxiety set in. My joy turned into my nightmare
My trauma took over completely. I was panicking. I knew these doctors don't know about me. All I could think about was. I am going to loose the baby.
I couldn't tell the doctors about me and they didn't ask either and I dont think they ever Fgm or thought even that crossed their mind.we are talking back in 1990s. No much of health professionals knew. I was absolutely having flashback everday
I saw only trauma. Because everytime anything happening between your legs. You are taken over by your trauma. I couldn't over come that. My joyous moment taken over by trauma. Its a nighmare. I start to panic. How will I deliver?
How will the baby come out? How would the professional look at me and would they think I am freak of nature. So many things running through my head. May God be with me . As due date nears .my heart aches . My fear is consuming me.
The day comes finally. I am in pain . I dont know this pain. But its absolutely consuming . I am praying so much that my baby is safe.. I dont understand anything at hospital. I dont know what they discussing. One look and the midwife panicked the shock on her face was there.
Within minutes. I have my room full of people. Doctor, nurses in out and out. I feel like an animal in a zoo. My legs are restrained at that time. I go into my own world. I picture everyone as my cutter . Now I have my cutter everywhere I look. The room is small.
I cant breath. Its as if I am been mutilated again. The only time I came out of that was .when I heard my beautiful little miracle cries. That was my medicine. It took me out of my nighmare. Oooh my gorgeous little boy .perfect is every sense.
I look at him. I see how much he has given me.back. The love I have is overwhelming. I never knew how much love you could have . I love him so much. I tell him. You are my world. You gave me purpose in life.
My little perfect boy is in my arms. Nestled on my chest. I dont want them to taken away from me. I am glued to him. Such beautiful baby. Pain of course all over my body but he is making me take the pain. It took me many months to heal up
Your vagina lips are designed to expand during birth. Women like me we don't have labias. Nothing will expand. You having scarring too. I was utterly grateful that I was alive and most importantly my baby was a life.
I share all this just to educate you all. I share all this because this is what millions of women world 🌎 are going through. I was lucky and delivered in proper hospital. Imagine those who don't have this. Maternal death rate is massive. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Is cruel and vicious violence against women and girls. Its designed to control Women and women sexually. 200 million women and girls worldwide have been subjected to Female Genital Mutilation or Female Genital Cutting or Female Genital Circumcision. Join and fight back with us
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