We are working quickly to analyze this new information from the federal government and the changes to their #CovidVaccine allocation methods. We will let you know about changes to our approach and plans for vaccination as soon as we understand how this impacts WA state. #COVID19
There are many essential workers and people at high risk for #COVID19 in our state. Bottom line: we still don’t have enough #CovidVaccine for everyone who needs it. We are working to balance the available supply and distribute this vaccine in an equitable way.
This is what we're hearing from the federal Operation Warp Speed (OWS) today:

"When the distribution of #CovidVaccines began on December 14, 2020, Operation Warp Speed’s initial policy was to hold second doses in inventory."
"This policy tracked with the scientific understanding of clinical trial results regarding the requirement and timing of second doses for maximum effectiveness, and was in keeping with the FDA’s approval of Emergency Use Authorizations." #CovidVaccine
"OWS initiated the policy for two logistical reasons. First, holding second doses provided insurance for potential disruptions in a nascent biologic manufacturing process that might prevent first dose recipients from getting their second doses." #CovidVaccine
"Second, the policy allowed the Federal Government to eliminate requirements for jurisdictions to store large amounts of frozen and ultra-cold vaccines in freezers and on dry ice for extended periods of time while waiting for second doses to come due." #CovidVaccine
"When 2nd doses began shipping for Pfizer on 12/27 & Moderna on 1/10, OWS began liquidating stock of 2nd doses. Having increased confidence in the manufacturing capabilities of both Pfizer & Moderna, OWS did not backfill this inventory, & transitioned to supply chain management."
"This means that OWS began synchronizing the production and delivery of first and second doses to minimize storage and maximize the amount available to the American people." #CovidVaccine
"OWS has reduced its inventory to levels minimally necessary to smoothly fulfill orders forecasted over the next 7-10 days. The notion that there is a large bolus of second doses that will be released to the jurisdictions is not accurate." #CovidVaccine
"Previously, OWS also maintained a policy of keeping 5% of available vaccine in a safety stock to offset emergencies and fulfill unforeseen requirements. Over the first 30 days of distribution, these requirements were not as frequent or as severe as initially anticipated." #COVID
"OWS is liquidating safety stock and will make this small amount available to the American people in future allocations, beginning with those made 1/12/21. Jurisdictions will immediately see an increase of 2-5% in their future allocations of both vaccines." #CovidVaccine
We are reading this statement right now and trying to figure out how it impacts #CovidVaccine distribution in WA state. We will post more info here ASAP! Thank you for your patience, we understand that this is confusing and frustrating. #COVID19
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