US Gives China Eminent
Domain Over US Property
Beyond High Treason
A. True Ott, PhD, ND
2-28-9 Let's connect some dots today, boys and girls to learn about the HIGHEST POSSIBLE TREASON that has happened in this country. THIS IS AS REAL AND AS UGLY AS IT CAN GET.
2)"Dot #1 China begins its covert war on the FREE American republic in the 1950's by taking over much of the PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG manufacturing for American and British Big Pharma. This is an outgrowth of the Rothschild's OPIUM RING PROCESSING by the British West Indies company
3)"during the 1800's, and is brokered by the "City of London" and Washington D.C. Dot #2 Arch-illuminist and satanist Henry Kissinger "normalizes" trade relations with China during the Nixon years"
4)"Dot #3 Eventual LDS (Mormon) Church President Gordon B. Hinckley, via the church-owned Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii, establishes a "hard currency" pipeline with Bejing, exchanging bank "trade credits" for CIA/BRITISH MI6 DRUG SERVICES RENDERED into hard GOLD AND SILVER
5)"while hiding behind the cloak of "World Religion". This is facilitated via the LDS-Church built and controlled "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone" adjacent to Hong Kong. When Hinckley is made LDS President, his first "official" visit as "World Prophet" is to China..
6)"Dot #4 Arkansas natives Bill Clinton and Sam Walton massively increase contracts with China's factories over 2,000%. This results in a tremendous imbalance of trade with China. Thanks to the Mormon "Special Economic Zone" -- China's communist leaders begin amassing incredible
7)"real" wealth in gold & silver. Dot #5 China purchases TRILLIONS of dollars worth of U.S. Treasury Bills & Bonds, paying for it w gold & silver provided by the Shenzhen Economic Zone exchanges. Much of the U.S. "nat'l debt" is purchased from the private "Federal Reserve" banks
8)"in this manner. Dot #6 Dr. Jeff Taubenberger of the U.S. Institute of Pathology in Ft. Dedrick MD, (The world headquarters for biologic weapons development) successfully maps the genome of the 1918 killer "flu" virus responsible for the 1918 "pandemic" that killed millions.The
9)"worst killer virus ever to plague mankind is now ready to be used as a covert "weapon" disguised as a natural "influenza" mutations. Dot #6 July, 2005: The Illuminati-conrolled United Nations announces that the world is long over-due for an "influenza pandemic".
10)"The H5N1 "Avian Flu" is wrongfully demonized as a COVER. Dot #7 December 2005: The Chinese Defense Minister, Chi Haotiaon delivers a speech to the Chinese military leaders outlining the inevitable "expansion" of China into Canada, the U.S., and Australia -- He justifies this
11)"bc of Chinese racial "superiority" & thus "emminent domain". To accomplish this, American would first have to be "Cleansed" by means of a powerful "biological weapon" --- causing 150 -200 MILLION AMERICAN DEATHS!!! The plan would be enacted AFTER the symbolic OLYMPIC GAMES
12)"beginning at the sacred day of 8-08-08 are concluded. China begins buying oil & gas futures, spiking the worldwide prices to historic levels. Dot #8 March 13, 2008: A secret meeting is conducted for the U.S. House & Senate Agents of the Club of Rome give a preview of upcoming
13)"events to elected officials who first swear an oath of secrecy. The traitors are briefed that the economy will begin its collapse in October, 2008 -- and will TOTALLY collapse in mid 2009. As events unfold in 2009-2010, Congress was told of the real possibily of massive civil
Do you see how long they plotted and planned for our demise?
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