1/9: Yesterday @GovChrisSununu moved ski patrol to Phase 1B for the #CovidVaccine. Teachers, despite CDC guidelines, remain in Phase 2. A thread.
2/9: Of course our ski patrollers are a type of first responders. But it is IMPERATIVE that teachers be prioritized right now.
3/9: The governor said that schools need to "dig deep" to offer in-person learning.
4/9: The most significant driver of NH schools being remote is because of an inability to staff the buildings. BECAUSE TEACHERS ARE QUARANTINING AS A RESULT OF EXPOSURE.
5/9: If teachers are #vaccinated, this would no longer be a problem, per new state guidelines, that 14 days after the 2nd vaccine, if you are exposed to COVID you don't need to quarantine.
6/9: Phase 2 at the earliest is March. Which means that AT THE EARLIEST teachers will not be fully protected will be until LATE APRIL.
7/9: Therefore, in keeping teachers in Phase 2, the governor is ensuring that school districts will have no choice but to have to continue to wrestle with staffing issues, which lead to remote learning status, until the end of the school year.
8/9: Keeping teachers in Phase 2 is a direct action of the gov, which means that if your child's school is remote at any time from now until June, it is DIRECTLY a result of Sununu prioritizing money over our children's education and well being.
Do not blame the teachers union. Do not blame the school districts. Do not blame the teachers. THIS IS ON HIM.
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