I do believe in peaceful protest. People felt (feel) like their vote was stolen. It makes us angry, because we're helpless. I think there was some deliberate stoking of anger and mis-characterization of the proceedings in DC. The entire "Impeachment" BS just makes people angrier
No one represents us, normal people. We go to work 9-5 and try to care for our families. All they care about is themselves.

It's like we are denying science, genders, Covid, statistical improbabilities, and economic policy to score points. No one cares about actual people.
The harm that they are perpetuating is criminal. We have history to see what's in our future. We conflate every disagreement with fascism as fascism and totalitarianism rise at alarming rates.
Our capital is surrounded by the military ffs. It's f'ing scary that they get protection and leave us to burn. Speech is being suppressed, for our own good, with many people cheering it on, not realizing that they will come for them too.
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