I find it fascinating that she seems to ignore the responsibilities that come with freedoms. Free speech does not exist in a vacuum. /3
Words have consequences - and Donald Trump's words on January 6 _HAD_CONSEQUENCES_ - very violent consequences, in fact. /4
I had hoped that January 6 would be the point when conservatives like Smith looked on in horror and realized that they had unleashed a monster upon the world.

Instead, as the fallout started to happen, they denied their role in creating the environment that led to Jan 6 /5
... and then went on a tirade about "being censored".

Think about this for a moment, Ms. Smith (and her followers): If words have consequences for others, then freedoms must carry with them responsibilities. /6
To me, it's a sad indictment of "big tech" that they allowed Trump and his minions to sow their poison unhindered for 5+ years - mostly because it was profitable for them. /7
Twitter acted in October, and started to "fact check" some of Trump's more egregious BS. Facebook didn't do anything until after Jan 6.

These companies didn't act on the basis of "doing the right thing" - they acted because their profits were threatened. /8
Parler died because it became radioactive as the role it played in organizing Jan 6 started to emerge.

That's the funny thing about the 'free market' - there are a lot of parameters at play, not just the direct ones. /9
Libertarians like Ms. Smith ignore the collective consequences of their actions, preferring to argue "why should I be punished, I didn't do <X>". /10
Yet, in her own way, she has played a significant role in <X>. She used her radio show to give a platform to guys like John Carpay (and others) whose goal in life is to restrict, if not eliminate me from society. /11
Smith chafes at the idea that she might get blowback for what she says or does as a public figure.

When she does so, she isn't advocating for "free speech", she is advocating for "free speech without consequences", which is quite the opposite of freedom for all /12 ~fin~
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