Inspired by @brenthoberman asking "Any other network building ideas during lockdown?", here are 10 thought-starters;
1) Rekindle and reconnect. Lockdown is the perfect opportunity to get back in touch with someone you have missed.
2) Become the host. Create short, informal, agenda-free gatherings for your network and consider encouraging them to bring a guest.
3) Make introductions. Thoughtful introducers get introduced.
4) Share your future plans and ideas to attract introductions and suggestions.
5) Consider apps like @lunchclubai to freshen up your network.
6) Leverage the positives of virtual event (breakfast next week in Singapore?) and use sites like @eventbrite to explore.
7) Don't be afraid to ask to join a guest list. Many hosts have open minds.
8) Write to the people you most admire. Some of your heroes may never be freer than they are this year. Chance your arm from time to time.
9) Reflect on how you can help who you know. If you're not sure - ask.
10) Take time to remap who you want to know.
You can follow @OliBarrett.
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