There's a persistent line among anti-GRA reform people and straight-up transphobes that that the SNP is sacrificing support by pushing ahead with GRA reform/Trans/LGBT rights etc.

That it's appealing to a minority and sacrificing the honest independence supporters.
Really the narrative is a little self serving because it characterises the opponents of GRA Reform and Trans rights as the "real" SNP supporters, and those who support these changes (which have been party policy for years) as outsiders and troublemakers trying to cause division.
It's a really frustrating and chilling narrative because it presupposes that the default position is that equalities issues are not to be brought up for fear of division. In other words it's explicit tolerance of intolerance.
TW:Racial Slurs

It's not really that new either. In this incredibly unfortunately titled blog post, essentially the same narrative is used by Jim Fairlie.
Contrast this with the rhetoric used against Trans rights:

"Perhaps even more than the issue of NATO, same sex marriage could prove to be the stick that broke the Independence camel's back."

But, Equal marriage did not break the party. Far from it.
The contradiction of this narrative though is that it's entirely disingenuous. It treats equality issues as uniquely problematic and automatically sides against them due to the risk of division.

Yet, this same standard would never be applied to other policies.
Where am I going with this?

Equalities are a hugely important issue, especially among young voters.

A presumption against equality policies isn't avoiding division, it's setting up the party to fail in the future. Because it will lose us votes.
As with equal marriage, the SNP ought to have stuck to it's guns and powered through to deliver GRA Reform. Let the dinosaurs catch up in their own time.

Instead, the party has been wracked by infighting and is rapidly losing face to potential voters.
If you're reading this thread, think about how this narrative affects you.

Do you see the GRA as an annoyance, an issue you'd rather not deal with?

Will you make concessions to make the problem go away?

Are you part of the problem?
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