In the spirit of sharing tiny things that worked in my online classes last semester: I started posting the syllabus/calendar on every Canvas module (organized by week) so students didn't have to go looking for it. Weirdly effective on cutting down "what's due?" #amteaching
I shifted my phrasing from "participation" grades to "contribution" grades and saw a surprising increase in activity. I also shifted "office hours" to "zoom drop in hours" and also saw more activity. #amteaching
When students came back from breakout rooms, I had each person type something from their small group into the chat. This increased different modes of contribution and provided a trampoline to large group chat: "Jane, can you say more about X?" It worked. #amteaching
I have a "Show Notes" section in each week's module for posting links, readings, more information on things I talked about in class. I stole the term from the podcasting world and it's less intimidating than "Supplementary Reading." #amteaching
A couple of semesters back, I started creating a discussion board for students to ask each other questions that don't need my attention (is this reading on Canvas or our book?)--and students who answer get extra credit points. Surprisingly effective. #amteaching
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