Kizumonogatari Trilogy Thoughts Thread:

Visually stunning. These movies are a spectacle I’ll never forget. Shaft fucking killed it in the animation department. The OST’s are top notch, the most memorable being when Kiss-Shot and Araragi were talking to Oshino in the lecture-
-hall in Part 1.

The character dynamics were flawless. Hanekawa and Araragi were a treat to see mingle. My guy fumbled the bag with her. Oshino is too sweet. Goes without saying really.

The pacing moved quicker than I had anticipated, but that was to its own benefit. The-
-action sequences prior to Part 3 show it best. I was initially thrown off because of how quickly the fights ended and how easy they seemed, but it made sense. Araragi was just that powerful. I enjoyed that he pondered about it himself as well, questioning the difficulty of-
-the tasks he had been assigned to.

Koyomi Araragi is one of the most intriguing protagonists I’ve seen in a while. He seems very simple, but there’s a lot going on inside his head. Constantly thinking so little of himself that he actively avoided relationships because he-
-saw them as a weakness. Their vulnerability was his vulnerability and vice versa. He saw those emotions as a hinderance. He didn’t wanna burden himself or someone else with those feelings. So he isolated himself. It got to the point where he was willing to give his body to-
-Kiss-Shot because he didn’t see any worth in himself. To him he was the bottom of the barrel. His own self sabotage had him ready to give up living in hopes of being born as someone better in his next life. Born with a better purpose and with some meaning for his existence.-
-After befriending Hanekawa, shunning her, witnessing her almost die, losing his humanity, seeing a person be devoured and the self blame that followed, a change occurred. A complete 180. As opposed to the beginning when he was ready to die, at the end he no longer want to see-
-death. For anybody. His ideals flip as he chooses to not save Kiss-Shot against her own wishes, instead choosing to carry the burden of her weakened existence with him forever. He is adamant on everyone staying alive. No more death. It’s lovely but also dangerous. It segways-
-into his behavior in Bakemonogatari perfectly. It’s beautiful. Masterful. One of my fav MCs now.

This trilogy was fantastic. Looking forward to the rest of the series. Anyways we move 🚶🏽‍♂️ time for Nisemonogatari.
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