#ammteasers Not really a teaser so much as a statement of fact, but I have 171 subs. I've read at least the query for all of them (though I have so much more reading of pages to do). I also have no remaining ability to comprehend the english language!
#ammteasers if I were to read the full 50 pages for all subs, that'd be 8,550 pages (plus queries and synopsis). Literally impossible in the time available. I'm having to make a lot of snap judgements
#ammteasers What's really grabbing me is concept. Something a bit unique and intriguing. Lots of subs are perfectly fine but with nothing to make it jump out from any other fantasy or sci-fi book out there. Reading this quantity at this pace, queries like that blur into one.
#ammteasers This has also shown me why agents are so obsessed with voice. Again, when you're churning through similar-ish subs, a standout voice suddenly snaps you back to attention and makes the sub linger in your mind.
#ammteasers another thing that gets me is a killer first line. Maybe it's funny, maybe it's dramatic, but the real key is that it's unique to your book and gives some sense of time/place/character etc, rather than being something that could start any old book in that genre.
#ammteasers I thought I'd be passing on subs because they were objectively bad or subjectively wrong for me. But at these numbers, to hit "maybe" or "request" there has to be something that stands out. I now get that infuriating "I just didn't fall in love" feedback agents give.
#ammteasers I'm finding comps more useful than i expected. up to a point. "This is a fantasy book, here are the names of two other fantasy books" doesn't add much. But ones that are very specific and/or a bit surprising help to show why your sub is interesting and different.
#ammteasers I had one query that fell into that category I've mentioned of "fine but a bit generic" and it was going to be a friendly pass. Then something in the comp title section brought out some elements the wider query hadn't demonstrated, and suddenly pushed it up my list.
#ammteasers Here endeth my general rambling, which is in large part procrastination from deciding which fulls to request. I might turn these thoughts into a blog post over the weekend. I might also be back with more specific teasers about those on the longlist later...
#ammteasers though to close, thank you to everyone who subbed to me. It's a little overwhelming to have so much to get through, but I'm so flattered you trusted me with your words and I'm so enjoying exploring them. And I'm glad people paid attention to my genres and wishlist.
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