DNA test can quickly identify pneumonia in patients with severe COVID-19, aiding faster treatment. 1st authors @maesmailis @EllenHigginson Joana Pereira‐Dias

@JanineLux @jbartholdson @efkay88 @razmahroof @IslamAbdelaziz1 @GordonDougan1 @Baker_Lab_Cam
Press summary here - describing how we used a rapid diagnostic test developed by @CUH_NHS clinicians led by Dr Vilas Navapurkar, PHE scientists led by Dr Martin Curran and University of Cambridge scientists, to aid management of pneumonia. https://shar.es/aoCghs 
To explain: Patients with COVID-19 who develop severe respiratory failure often need to be ventilated, and it takes a long time for their lungs to heal. They often remain on a ventilator for several weeks, sometimes months https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53217014
When patients are ventilated, their natural defences are bypassed and so pneumonia risk increases


image from BJM 75 https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=89265925
However, we found that it wasn’t just being on a ventilator for prolonged period of time, patients with COVID appeared to have increased risk independent of duration of ventilation
This wasn’t because the virus changed the microbiome of the lungs, as this looked pretty similar to what was seen in patients without COVID – and showed the effects well described in other groups of ventilated patients
We found that the bacteria that caused infection were similar to those which infect patients without COVID, but also there were increased rates of aspergillus (mould) infection and reactivation of herpes viruses.

Nephron, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0
What lessons do we draw from this? Look out for VAP in COVID, standard ICU antibiotic protocols apply, but be aware of mould infections such as aspergillus especially if the patient is not responding to antibiotics.
Thanks are due to the many people involved in this study, and the clinicians who developed and undertook the safe bronchoscopy approach used for diagnosis.
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