They are the first QANon supporters elected to Congress and both have said January 6 was Republicans’ “1776 moment,” in a reference to the American revolution. But the insurrectionists were not revolutionaries. They were not fighting a tyrannical state.
They were fighting to extend the tyranny of white supremacy, which has seen its fruition in Donald J. Trump. 

If Trump could give birth, it would have been to Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, both of whom are clearly created in his image.
They walk like Trump. They talk like Trump. They hate like Trump

Greene and Boebert are emblematic of white women who undergird right-wing populism - as voters and candidates. Just because they are so fond of posing with weapons, don’t take a Glock as a stand-in for feminism.
More feminist analysis on FEMINIST GIANT.

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Like Greene & Boebert, the 2 female insurrectionists killed on Jan 6 were supporters of QAnon, a far-right conspiracy movement driven largely by white women which the FBI labelled a domestic terror threat in 2019, One, like Greene, was also from Georgia
Another white woman insurrectionist from QAnon, the latest polite mask for white supremacy. It was instrumental in driving the insurrection.
Although media are full of male QAnon supporters who stormed Capitol, QAnon is driven largely by suburban white women -particularly mothers
Pause and ponder: a movement labeled a domestic terror threat is driven by white suburban women. According to a timeline of violence linked to QAnon between 2018-2020 compiled by the Guardian, women were arrested for 5/12 instances. And now:an insurrection
When U.S. media have taken deep dives into QAnon, it’s stunning how much fuckery white women get away with & for which they’re given so many excuses.QAnon provides a convenient disguise behind which white women channel far-right white supremacist fuckery into concern for children
That’s effectively what drives QAnon. And who dares argue w/that most deified of creatures, the white mother?

During pandemic disproportionately affecting Black, Indigenous & mothers of colour, “trauma” of white mothers is used to justify preponderance for dangerous conspiracy
Even as danger grew & brazenly expressed itself in run-up to Jan 6, its whiteness & femininity gave it cover.

It’s reminiscent of ways Trump’s 2016 victory was explained away w/references to “suffering working class” (white working class) & not the racism that was driving force
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