Death (Inside the grave)

A 🧵:
As we all know death is something that we can't escape. No matter how rich, popular or poor we are, we will all taste death. The angel of Death doesn't wait for anyone, it will come and take your soul on the decreed time no matter how much you try to escape it.
We all probably know that there is life after death. There must be, our soul can't just vanish like that. It must go somewhere after we die. Our whole life is trials and tests which determines our final destination. For us, death is the return of the soul to its Creator, Allah
As soon as you enter your grave, the grave will squeeze you. That squeeze could be a welcome back home hug, OR it could be a squeeze that will break every bone in your body, but no matter what it will squeeze you
The grave is a dark place, VERY dark, and you WILL be afraid. And at that moment two of the ugliest creations that Allah has created, Munkar and Nakeer. They will walk into your grave and sit you up.
Allah has created these Angels in a very frightening form. They will sit you up and they will start to question you. Your heart should be racing by now, because on that day you WILL be TERRIFIED from their voices like thunder and their eyes like lightning.
They will ask you 3 questions: Who is your Lord? What is your religion? And who is your prophet?
The believer, the one who worshipped Allah, submitted to him only, Prayed their Salah, stayed away from haram, the one who followed the way of Islam, followed the teaching of the prophet (ﷺ) will be able to answer these questions with ease.
"My Lord is Allah, My religion is Islam, and My prophet is Muhammad (ﷺ), and the Angels will say "You have spoken the truth"

And the Angels will order the grave to widen itself, and this grave will turn into a garden of paradise for the believer.
However, For the disbelievers it's going to be very difficult, VERY difficult.

A disbeliever doesn't have to be someone who isn't Muslim. A disbeliever is the one who disobeys the words of Allah, follows his or her desires, disobeys the prophet, doesn't pray, commits haram etc.
So when the Angels come to the disbeliever and asks them the same 3 questions, Who is your Lord? What is your religion? Who is your prophet? They will stutter and say "umm um... I don't know how to answer all 3 questions" They won't be able to answer the Angels.
So the Angels will say "You have lied" and they will order the grave to squeeze and tighten itself, it will become narrower and darker till every bone in your body breaks. Then they will order the grave to become a pit of hellfire. And the grave will start burning...
...Until the Day Of Judgement😔 Brothers and sisters as you can see the azhaab of the grave is this terrifying, imagine the azhaab on the day of judgement. We can't even put our finger over the fire on a candle, how will we tolerate the fire of jahannam?
I pray your imaan increases before your soul is taken from this dunya. May Allah guide us all onto the straight path and ease the punishment for us on the day of judgement💕
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