The cost of sepsis in New Zealand (thread)
@ACCNZ found 1250 treatment injury claims registered with keywords “sepsis”/“septicaemia” from 2015-2020. 100 were fatal. Information about payments against these claims has been provided under the OIA
1219 of these claims led to a payment for compensation, rehabilitation or treatment. These average out at $21,608 per claim (to date) BUT.....
ACC bulk funds acute care, so these costs don’t include urgent admissions for sepsis diagnosis and treatment- what do these admissions cost our health system? Read on...
Back in 2005, Burns et al found the EXCESS cost of a hospital acquired bloodstream infection was $20,000
The median reimbursement for admissions associated with “major infection” was $6,822, with a further $374 million spent on readmitting a quarter of these patients to an acute hospital within 30 days. But what about infections that led to SEPSIS?
The authors were able to identify a subset of cases with sepsis (approx 1800). In this group, infection was the primary reason for admission to hospital AND a separate sepsis-associated organ failure was documented. Cost...?
...aside from an estimated 22% ICU admission rate and 18% in-hospital death...
....$10,381 (and a further 10k for for the 11% readmitted within 30 days). So...the best information we have suggests that sepsis costs the health system 10k up front and maybe 20k in additional treatment and rehabilitation over the next 5 years....
What would that mean for the team of 5 million? Between $0.4-1.2 BILLION committed to the acute care and 5 year follow-up of everyone who gets sepsis this year (40,000 people x 10-30k per case). ..
...and that’s WITHOUT an epidemic of #COVID19 and its #LongCovid syndrome....
...which is a very long tweet to say that in addition to the toll of human suffering, infections which lead to sepsis are REALLY EXPENSIVE..
You can follow @SepsisTrustNZ.
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