Nazis and Fascists are just European cousins of Marxists. Mussolini was a hardcore Marxist, he just extended that totalitarianism to "nation", much like China is.

They are all born from totalitarian Christianity. Even so, Marxists' record of genocide exceeds Nazis and Fascists.
Trying to map "fascist" to a non-European culture is simply colonial Eurocentrism by the likes of @PettyPraxis. No surprise since the entire petty praxis of Hegel down to Marx is built on European racism and mapping parochial European history to the world.
Their "enlightenment" heroes are steeped in racism. Marx justified colonialism and fabricated unscientific religious fantasies of stages of society (with Europe the most advanced of course).

Comrades are stuck with that religion.
Marx and Engels were ignorant of non-Western societies. Indian "comrades" for project their utter ignorance to "understand" their own society with the Orientalist gaze. But don't expect Indian comrades to decolonize from European White supremacy soon.
This is why Communists thrive on propaganda and on suppression of any semblance of free speech. Because in any fact-based argument, they really have nothing to say.
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