Gerry Studds was a patrician Yankee, elected to Congress from MA, who was revealed in 1983 that, a decade earlier, to have taken a 17yo boy, part of the Confessional Page program, on a junket, gotten him drunk and had sex with him. Studds came out as homosexual as his defense.
After admitting the incident, declining a hearing ("to protect the identities of the people involved") Stuff's defended it as consenting. He was given a slap on the wrist; censure, and removed from committees.

He was reelected 6 more times, and again given committee positions.
Studds wasn't alone in the scandal. Illinois Republican Dan Crane, a married dentist by trade and Hillsdale grad, was also named as having sexual relations with a 17yo girl in the page program. He too faced censure and lost his first reelection bid following the reprimand.
The Congressional Page program remained, at one point run by current Senator, Ben Sassed, during the Speakership of convicted pedophile, Denny Hastert. The easy access to teens led to the downfall of another homosexual, FL Republican Mark Foley, caught by texts and emails.
Allegations that another Rep, Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) was alleged to have had homosexual relations with a 16yo and one other former Page-progran graduate were never confirmed.
Those who say that there is not a "pedophile elite" who are protected and never face criminal charges for their behavior, or who think the current degeneracy is new, or unique, or solely partisan, don't know even recent history. There's decades of evidence, in the public realm.
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