Here's the 12mth chart.

For me, the slight tail off in the red line puts it in perspective - but I think the discussion proves that price signals can work in energy.
It's fantastic to see the degree of conversation about our energy system and usage prompted by this.
Without Agile, the thousands of tweets, FB messages and forum posts wouldn't have happened. We wouldn't have seen the joy at wind and sun, nor the awareness of what happens with low wind (and nukes out, and Asian demand for gas).
A transparent energy system is a huge win
And the reactions - changing usage, etc make energy cheaper for everyone.
When Agile users "fill their boots" when it's cheap, they're making the most of stuff which would otherwise go to waste. When they react to peaky prices they reduce the load on an overloaded system
By reducing their usage at these times, they're reducing the demand for electricity making it cheaper for others - and making it easier to meet our needs with more renewables.
With an electric car storing as much elec as a house uses in a working week, and elec cars rapidly growing (cos they're better, not just cheaper) - this is hassle free, automated by kit like @OhmeEV
And as you see, the odd peak aside, it's great value
Until now, the only rewarding engagement in energy was switching from one tease and squeeze tariff to another
One person only benefited at the expense of another.
But with a dynamic smart system, people seeking better value also make it better value for everyone else
You can follow @g__j.
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