When I was young the journalists in Australia were regarded as heroes. They were respected for being at the coal face of crime, corruption and culture.

/1 https://twitter.com/nobby15/status/1350012836336922625
I don't remember thinking of some papers being right wing or lefty. There was journalism and there was trash.

It was easy to tell which you could trust.

The influence of Murdoch in Australia and globally has destroyed journalism. Driven by profits instead of integrity, his enterprises have perfected click bait harvesting.

What astounds me most is that enough people are so easily convinced by this pallid impersonation of journalism.

Sky Australia is demonstrably trash.

The quality of journalism on offer on Sky is easy to pull apart. The idea that it's left vs right is bollocks, it's a cheap parlour trick designed to maximize drama, and hence click bait.

/5 https://twitter.com/nobby15/status/1350012836336922625?s=19
When your main defence for appalling content is "alternative facts" then you have no integrity what do ever.

I miss living in a world where the media are no longer on our side. I miss being able to open a newspaper and simply trust the editorial content.

I'm angry that some wealthy billionaire, who inherited a newspaper, has done so much to destroy my ability to trust media.

Billionaires should not exist.

And a warning. Click bait journalism will kill us all.

This applies to left leaning publications as well. I've seen some appalling trash in new online "media" websites. Facts matter. They've never mattered more.

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