I'll go first with a few I have encountered and you can add your own. Let's see if we can make a definitive list!
2/ "But that's ridiculous, we can't do that."

"OK, then staff will get ill, a few will die and your unit will close."

"Now you're catastrophising."

"No, I'm not. I'm just assessing the risk."

"I can see you're very anxious."

(Goes on until the heat death of the universe.)
3/ "You can't wear that. You'll frighten the nurses."
4/ "No loose talk with the nurses. You'll frighten them."

"Why? Do you think they don't have any thoughts of their own in their "empty heads" or something?"

"No, it would be irresponsible. You'll frighten them and they won't come to work."
5/ "This unit isn't safe because of ABCDEFGHIJKL etc etc."

"But it has been signed off by the COVID lead as meeting protocols."

"Yes, but it isn't safe."

"But it has been signed off by the COVID lead as meeting protocols."

"Yes, but it isn't safe."

Ad infinitum
6/ "In Taiwan/Singapore/Vietnam they do X."

"Yes, but that's not Australia."

"Yes, but it works."

"Let's bring it back to Australia."

"OK, in Melbourne they found Y didn't work, so..."

"Let's not talk about Melbourne. This is NSW."
7/ "If you follow the procedures properly you'll be fine."

"But the procedures are flawed."

"If you follow them properly you'll be fine."

"But they're flawed and even if I follow them I may get ill and die."

"I can see this is making you emotional and overwrought."
8/ "The problem has been escalated."

"Yes, but nothing meaningful has happened."

"Well, there's a process."

"Well, there's a pandemic and the pandemic's process is it takes over and people get infected and die."

"Being facetious isn't helpful."
9/ "How did this happen?."

"It's an airborne illness."

"It's almost as if it goes through walls."

"It's an airborne illness."

"It's a very devious bug."

"It's an airborne illness."

"The staff did the wrong thing."

"It's an airborne illness."
This one happened to me yesterday:

"Can I ask: when the vaccine comes will you have it?"

"Why, do you think I'm some kind of anti-vax nut for wanting safety at work?!"

"No, just wondering..."
Let's face it, it all comes down to 👇
in one form or another, doesn't it?
👇 https://twitter.com/dlmetcalf/status/1350114583554387971?s=19
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