The hot tea we drink is only good for our throat. But this coronavirus is hidden behind the paranasal sinus of the nose for 3/ 4 days and hot tea we drink does not get there. After 4 to 5 days this virus that was hidden behind the para nasal

Behind the paranasal sinus reaches your lungs.Then you have trouble breathing.
That's why it is very IMPORTANT TO TAKE STEAM 'cos it can get to the back of your paranasal sinus. You have to kill this virus in the nose with steam. At 50°C, this virus becomes disabled i.e WEAK....
that any human immunity system can fight against it, This is what steam does.
The entire public health department knows this, but everyone wants to take advantage of this pandemic. So they don't share this information openly.

One who stays at home should indulge in steam...
Therapy once a day. If you go to crowded places like offices/markets 3 times a day.

According to doctors, Covid -19 can be killed by inhaling steam from the nose and mouth. If all the people started a steam therapy for a week, the pandemic will END.
Inhale steam for 5 minutes each time, you can add a little MENTHOLATUM to give it an edge.

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