Beautiful example of where two rivers meet but do not mix - the confluence of the Drin (lower) and Buna (upper) rivers in Albania.

The two different water streams have a really sharp boundary and show no obvious mixing for over 3km after the rivers meet.

This separation of river streams occurs due to differences in density, temperature and speed of river flows. Lots of rivers around the world can show this.
The two rivers do not always show this separation, and is more of an occasional thing, though lots of older satellite images show it.

Usually the Buna river flow is more murky (presumably due to more sediment load), but in this 2018 image it is the Drin River that is murky.
The 2018 image shows what I believe are some nice periodic patterns at the stream boundary. I assume these are instabilities that occur due to the different densities/speed of the streams. I imagine this is something like a Rayleigh-Taylor instability, but am really not sure!
The Drin River is quite dynamic upstream of the confluence. This is the same part of the river in 2003, 2009, 2012 and 2020. Channel locations change a lot in just that 17 year period. Not sure if all natural or related to some sort of human activity. (end thread)
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