1/x So 6 hours until Vanna’s departure... though she hasn’t been working full-time the last couple of days, Gary’s been putting in some extra work to keep things together. But I have to say, this was a poorly planned vacation all along. We saw it coming. A 5 week OpEx, post the https://twitter.com/jam_croissant/status/1349616653735251968
2/x seasonally slow period for the wheel of fortune. All of the contestants are going to be demanding bigger payouts. The show has become so popular. The ratings are through the roof, they can’t disappoint! Gary’s been doing this for a while. So he’s not to be doubted, but it’s a
3/x lot for a 🦍 to hold together on his own.Especially given the new rotation away from popular old growth contestants that always made for such a great story. Small cap value just doesn’t seem to get the same ratings.There’s a new FCC administration & they’ll be cranking up the
4/x regulations on game shows, & will be cutting executive’s, like Garry’s, pay packages & demanding bigger payouts to their value contestants. NTM cutting their lines of leverage, which could spell trouble if a few contestants unexpectedly were to win big! Not an ideal week
5/x for Vanna to take that vacation at all... There is a lot of optimism around the shows success and the higher payouts in (fiscal) to contestants, but if he can’t hold it all together it could really lead to lasting damage. That said the Wheel of Fortune has been around for a
6/x long time, & Gary knows if he can just not mess it up too bad for the next 1.5 weeks, Vanna will be back. & everyone knows that the ratings always soar when Vanna’s back!Watch sentiment. Watch the 20 day, see if they manage to get some of those popular growth contestants back
7/7 on this week & most of all watch Gary. If he looks tired & begins to sleep in, or heaven forbid gets 🤒... the Wheels might come off. Otherwise it could be a long slow boring week of daytime 📺. Good luck!🍀.
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