I wanted to share links to some resources that I mentioned during yesterday's Danube Epigenetics webinar.

If you're new to designing figures and you're not sure where to start, take 2 minutes to read this excellent blog post from @helenajambor

https://ecrlife420999811.wordpress.com/2018/08/29/better-figures-for-life-sciences/ https://twitter.com/usymmons/status/1349381926713503744
Wondering why you shouldn't use bar graphs for continuous data & what to use instead?
1. Everything you need to know in a Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/T_Weissgerber/status/1192694904603992064
2. Everything you need to know in a webinar: https://elifesciences.org/inside-elife/5114d8e9/webinar-report-transforming-data-visualisation-to-improve-transparency-and-reproducibility
Up to 8% of men and 0.5% of women of northern European ancestry are colorblind. Use a colorblindness simulation tool like Color Oracle ( https://colororacle.org ) to make sure your figures are accessible to colorblind readers.
Yesterday I also mentioned our international working group's efforts to use automated screening tools to identify common problems in COVID preprints on bioRxiv and medRxiv, and share reports with authors and readers. You can learn more about this here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-01203-7
Esther mentioned that it's important not to forget about your stats. For those working in fields where t-tests and ANOVA are common, this paper explains why we need to report more than "Data were analyzed by t-tests or ANOVA, as appropriate". https://elifesciences.org/articles/36163 
Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday, and to the organizers (including @usymmons) and panelists (Esther, @helenajambor and @allycote) and attendees for an interesting discussion. Happy visualizing!
You can follow @T_Weissgerber.
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