As we can see, Lexit isn't working. But I wonder if I'm not sometimes too unkind to the Lexiters. After all, the dominant strand in political philosophy (Rawls) is pretty Lexity in its general commitments, even if most UK Rawlsians were Remainers. 1/6
They were remainers cos (a) their general social position and (b), in the space of reasons, because Brexit was going to worsen the position of the UK least advantaged 2/6
But Rawlsianism is committed to economic "nationalism" or the kind deplored by neoliberals (as documented by @zeithistoriker), self-determining peoples having their sovereignty, and inequalities counting as properly unjust only within those peoples. 3/6
Not great on migration and freedom of movement either. Some have even seen connections to Fichte's Closed Commercial State @chrisbrooke 4/6
And Rawls's own views, as expressed in letters to Van Parijs @pvpbrussels , bemoaned the fact that the workings of the EU might erode national differences 5/6
So at some point soon, we need to to have an explicit reckoning: what, if any, are the lessons of the Brexit saga for the Rawlsian ideal? @nescio13 @spe07 6/6
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