@MalcontentmentT john sullivan story is he went deep cover with the chuds he is against his brother who was a cop he knew his life is in danger and chuds test people all the time. they almost killed the cnn reporter. I believe him. Nobody has ANY hard evidence he has harmed ppl
The #chuds are rejoicing that he is arrested as they talk on their streams and channels about how he is going to squeal on him. PTNewsnetwork got a text from his brother live today where they both laughed about him being arrested with glee and are pushing
The narrative that he is a ringleader of #antifa who was also a ringleader of the #chuds and they literally think that trump has a about to be released report all about john that proves he is the mastermind behind the whole coup attempt.
squeal on them on that tweet above... they are really worried about what he knows because he fooled them by the left attacking him and he pretended to be a chud as much as he though he had to... to pass their tests. We are talking white supremacists who love their token black guy
so before ya'll have all the facts I wouldn't be so sure that you are right about him because right now he is a black man in prison with a bunch of white supremacist domestic terrorist chuds able to abuse him all they like as they blame him for the coup attempt (TORTURE)
I might be wrong but all the facts do not line up to him being a chud just because his brother is or he had to do what he had to do to get into their groups to expose them. He did an explainer stream a few days ago and looks like more vids since which i haven't watched.
He says the fbi already questioned him which also means that they know he knows many of the secret comms between trump and these chuds and obviously they dont want that out there... what better reason to arrest him and then throw all this crap out there into a scene where people
on both sides want him fried. If this happened to you for anything #blacklivesmatter was doing just because you were streaming you would appreciate people listening to your side and ALL the surrounding facts... remember the corrupt in government/police/fbi want a new patriot
act 2 and they also want to be able to get livestreamers just because they are there doing what they need to do in dangerous situations to not be killed by domestic terrorists... just a thought after watching your stream. also merchant sites with no security key
could have been something he was completely unaware of. most people are not super technical in fact most of the protesters i have worked with over the past 10 years have no idea what opsec is until i teach them about it so they can be aware of it and learn more on their own.
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