let’s talk about:

donald trump rolling back protections for lgbt+ individuals a few days ago. something that was swept under the rug during the riots at the capital.

a thread that you should share.
the trump administration finalized a rule that rolled back protections for lgbt+ individuals seeking services of health and welfare programs that are funded by the united states department of health & human services.
what does this mean?

he made it legal for ANY program that’s funded by federal money to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation & gender identity, on the basis of “religious liberty.”
these services include, but are not limited to:

- major health care services
- HIV & STI prevention
- opioid help/recovery programs
- youth homelessness programs
- same-sex couples adopting/fostering children
- elder care programs
- refugee resettlement

and more.
this finalized rule also makes it so these programs no longer have to view marriages between same-sex couples as valid.
this regulation is not an executive order nor is it something that has to be approved by congress.

it was published by the trump administration on the 12th, and will go into effect on february 11th*

*if there’s no intervention from presidential elect joe biden or congress
however, congress may use the congressional review act to disprove of this regulation and stop it from going into effect if they get the president’s signature.

presidential elect joe biden and at least one senator are already talking about repealing the rule after inauguration.
what should we do in the meantime?

- continue to spread information
- call senators & urge them to stop this rule from going into effect. (script below)
- not speak over lgbt+ voices regarding the issue
- signing / sharing petitions
base script, you may add to it or tweak it!
if you are unaware of your senators phone number:

and finally, a link to the 77 page release published tuesday in the federal register:

i’m going to continue to add onto this thread with petitions you can sign once i find them, so feel free to bookmark.
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