I see people are angry that Fiona Bruce asked a perfectly reasonable question about lower vaccination rates in Scotland and then allowed the SNP representative to answer it. They absolutely cannot stand being held to account can they. #bbcqt
There is a genuine and oft-displayed belief among too many supporters of the SNP that they are beyond reproach and that any and all criticism of them is unfair. This stems from having been fed a constant diet of Scottish exceptionalism mixed with grievance nationalism.
Drugs deaths? Westminster's fault because they blocked one small element of policy. Ignore SNP cuts to funding for addiction services, ignore the complete lack of ministerial leadership, ignore a decade of missed opportunities; just focus on the bit you can blame on someone else.
Decades-late hospitals lying empty due to failures of ministerial oversight? Blame the contractors, blame NHS staff, shout about how much other PFI contracts cost and how it's really all the fault of a party that's been out of government for fourteen years. Ignore, deny, deflect.
And on COVID, only highlight stats that allow a favourable comparison with England. Find a policy that isn't devolved and push that as a key driver of infections. Make up conspiracies about England restricting supplies - of PPE, of vaccines. Remember: we're just better than them.
And that's basically the fundamental logic of SNP strategy. It's why they explicitly and deliberately merge the concepts of party, government and country so people's natural instinct to defend Scotland against attack can be exploited to defend the SNP against justified criticism.
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