These three tiny faces should make you extremely sad and angry.
They are the latest victims of Australia's shocking epidemic of violence.
Their names are Matthew Perinovic, Claire Perinovic and Anna Perinovic.
Matthew is just three years old, Claire is seven and Anna is five.
It breaks my heart to say it, but these children are the first murdered in Australia this year.
Their deaths mean we have now lost a total of 12 lives to violence since January 1, 2021.
Seven men and two women are also dead. Five of the victims - both the women and the three children - were allegedly killed by family members (*see end note for details on the data).Police a short time ago confirmed that Matthew, Claire and Anna were murdered by their mother.
She then killed herself at their Tullamarine home.
Across many social media feeds - even by some seasoned anti-domestic violence campaigners and organisations - there was a huge collective leap to judgment. The children's father was painted as the killer of the family.
This was a grotesquely unfair rush to accusation and I really hope that every person and organisation that maligned an innocent man in this way hangs their heads in shame. It is so damn important that we all allow the police to do their job before jumping to conclusions.
It's really unforgivable that a dad returned home yesterday to find the bodies of his children alongside that of their killer only to have a large part of Australia turn on him. His family was wiped out, for fuck's sake and people did not give him the space to mourn.
Anyone who knows me, will agree that I am an unequivocal supporter of women - I dedicate a lot of my life to protect the interests of my gender. I also recognise that sometimes women act in abhorrent ways.
The murders of three defenceless children by their mother this week is a prime example of that.
Violence - whether perpetrated by males or females - is wrong. There is no space for it in our society, but it happens, no matter how hard we rail against it.
So all of us need to take a deep breathe, stand back and think before we become judge, jury and executioner.
If we learn one thing from the killings of Matthew, Claire and Anna - let it be that. They were betrayed by their mother - our society has no right to betray their dad. These kids deserve more than that.
The Memorial to Women and Children Lost to Violence: http://www.TheREDHEARTCampaign.org 
The Australian Femicide & Child Death Map: http://bit.ly/red-hearts 
*Please note, I document ALL unlawful deaths in Australia, regardless of victim or perpetrator gender or relationship between the person killed and the accused.
This means not every death is due to domestic and family violence. Australians are also killed by strangers, friends, colleagues, neighbours and other people known to them.
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