1/6 This is Obama speaking after Clinton conceded and promising a smooth transition.
2/6 His staff was devastated and it showed. For months thereafter “the cry more libs” had a ball with this picture.
3/6 Then the Obamas did their job and welcomed the Trumps to the WHite House, again bearing in mind both Donald Trump and Melania Trump spent years pushing the birther lie and never apologized for it.
4/6 Lastly Obama sat with him both in private and for a photo op, again even though he’d once said he needed to see Obama’s school transcripts because he doubted Obama could do Ivy League work.
5/6 I don’t buy into all the pomp of transition, though there’s a social value to these ceremonies. And I have substantive critiques of Obama. But in the end, though it must have killed him, he did the last bit of job required of him.
6/6 Trump won’t. He’ll organize a made for tv exit for himself next week - with staff applauding him etc, without having done a single one of the ceremonial obligations of transition. And his supporters won’t just forgive him for this last “fuck you” - they’ll love him for it.
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